My new website is up and running now! The calendar, the blog and the photo's are all in one place now!
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Good Evening Everyone,
I arrived in Sydney on Monday, having just left Johannesburg. My husband, David, flew in from Dallas and met me in Sydney! What a treat to have him along for this event!! He arrived a few hours before me, and he and Alan (Alan Norman, Sydney Mr. Leather and my IML class brother) picked me up at the airport.
We got to the house and immediately attended Hats Off, a theater event featuring some of Sydney's finest singers and dancers. It was a spectacular show. I was a bit tired from the flight from Cape Town and Johannesburg; however, it was funny and featured my favorite Broadway hit, “Defying Gravity” from Wicked.
Tuesday was a tour day and David and I went to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We climbed the bridge and had a spectacular view of Sydney from there!! (Photo attached) We also roamed around Sydney and took in the atmosphere. Sydney is a beautiful city and I thoroughly enjoyed the architecture. And the people were all so friendly.
And the men are HOT in Sydney! No matter where we turned, there were hot men. Is that a prerequisite to living in Sydney – you must be hot? Thank you Sydney!!!
Wednesday, we toured some more and then headed to Oxford Hotel for the “30 Years of Leather Champions”. This event featured Patrick Brooks (IML #2), Anthony Lowe (Sydney Mr. Leather 2010), Josh Burrows (Mr. New Zealand/Australia Leather 2009), and myself on a panel with the audience asking questions. It was very insightful and the audience was great with asking pertinent, relevant questions. It was also a fundraiser for the “The Brooks Trust” and they made me the 8th official member of the organization. I was very honored!
Thursday and Friday were spent touring. David and I went on the ferry out to Manly Beach. We didn’t lay out, we just hung out and sat on the benches and watched the world go by. I must say, it was truly wonderful to spend that time with David. It gave us a chance to talk and just catch up on what the other was doing! What a concept!
Saturday was the Mardi Gras Parade! Okay, this was AWESOME! And the fact they allowed David on the float with me was the most awesome part of all! The energy of that city during the parade was second to none. Cameras everywhere, scantily dressed men everywhere (all hot by the way), crowds of people and music! What an incredible time!!! Then the parade started and I realized that unlike other parades I have been in, on this float – I had to dance with the music they were playing. Ummmm, y’all know I have absolutely no rhythm . . . I foresaw a train wreck in my future. So I watched everyone around me and tried to keep the beat along with them. David said I did fine; however, he is biased. The good news is, I Googled it and no one has blogged about my lack of rhythm . . . LOL
Sunday, we had to see David off to Dallas, Texas. I was sad to see him go, but still thankful that we had the week in Sydney together! Alan and I went to the Harbour Party. Great time. I saw Harry (from Dallas). He had taken a cruise to Sydney and was there for the festivities. It was kind of funny that I had to travel half way around the world in order to see someone that lives ten minutes form me.
Monday morning we awoke at 2:45 a.m. and dressed to go stand in line so we could participate in the Spencer Tunick. (Photo attached) I believe a little over 5,000 people showed up to get naked in front of the Syndey Opera House. Alan and I were two of them! (If you look in the lower center portion of the photo, we are there!) I then had my photo taken with the artist that evening (Photo attached) at a fundraiser we attended. Very cool!
Tuesday, I made seafood Gumbo for Alan and his roommate, David. It was good; although not my best work. I didn’t have all of the ingredients I would normally use; however, it was still good.
Wednesday I left Sydney for San Francisco. I have to say, Alan was the perfect host and we had an incredible time. The community is wonderful and they were very welcoming!! We look forward to returning next year!!
Next up: Mr. San Francisco Leather!
Your Leather Brother,
I arrived in Sydney on Monday, having just left Johannesburg. My husband, David, flew in from Dallas and met me in Sydney! What a treat to have him along for this event!! He arrived a few hours before me, and he and Alan (Alan Norman, Sydney Mr. Leather and my IML class brother) picked me up at the airport.
We got to the house and immediately attended Hats Off, a theater event featuring some of Sydney's finest singers and dancers. It was a spectacular show. I was a bit tired from the flight from Cape Town and Johannesburg; however, it was funny and featured my favorite Broadway hit, “Defying Gravity” from Wicked.
And the men are HOT in Sydney! No matter where we turned, there were hot men. Is that a prerequisite to living in Sydney – you must be hot? Thank you Sydney!!!
Wednesday, we toured some more and then headed to Oxford Hotel for the “30 Years of Leather Champions”. This event featured Patrick Brooks (IML #2), Anthony Lowe (Sydney Mr. Leather 2010), Josh Burrows (Mr. New Zealand/Australia Leather 2009), and myself on a panel with the audience asking questions. It was very insightful and the audience was great with asking pertinent, relevant questions. It was also a fundraiser for the “The Brooks Trust” and they made me the 8th official member of the organization. I was very honored!
Thursday and Friday were spent touring. David and I went on the ferry out to Manly Beach. We didn’t lay out, we just hung out and sat on the benches and watched the world go by. I must say, it was truly wonderful to spend that time with David. It gave us a chance to talk and just catch up on what the other was doing! What a concept!
Saturday was the Mardi Gras Parade! Okay, this was AWESOME! And the fact they allowed David on the float with me was the most awesome part of all! The energy of that city during the parade was second to none. Cameras everywhere, scantily dressed men everywhere (all hot by the way), crowds of people and music! What an incredible time!!! Then the parade started and I realized that unlike other parades I have been in, on this float – I had to dance with the music they were playing. Ummmm, y’all know I have absolutely no rhythm . . . I foresaw a train wreck in my future. So I watched everyone around me and tried to keep the beat along with them. David said I did fine; however, he is biased. The good news is, I Googled it and no one has blogged about my lack of rhythm . . . LOL
Sunday, we had to see David off to Dallas, Texas. I was sad to see him go, but still thankful that we had the week in Sydney together! Alan and I went to the Harbour Party. Great time. I saw Harry (from Dallas). He had taken a cruise to Sydney and was there for the festivities. It was kind of funny that I had to travel half way around the world in order to see someone that lives ten minutes form me.

Tuesday, I made seafood Gumbo for Alan and his roommate, David. It was good; although not my best work. I didn’t have all of the ingredients I would normally use; however, it was still good.
Wednesday I left Sydney for San Francisco. I have to say, Alan was the perfect host and we had an incredible time. The community is wonderful and they were very welcoming!! We look forward to returning next year!!
Next up: Mr. San Francisco Leather!
Your Leather Brother,
I had a layover in Johannesburg, and the SALeathermen held a brunch that gave me the opportunity to meet some of the men whom I was not able to meet while in Cape Town. It was a quick trip; however, I had an incredible time. They had a car pick me up at the airport and escort me to the brunch and then waited for me during the event. It was genuinely nice to meet this group of men. We were able to share so much about our leather cultures and experiences through the years.
The one thing I have learned as I have traveled across this world, is we all seem to be facing the same issues and we all seem to have to overcome the same obstacles. True, some countries and cultures are more advanced in their thinking in one aspect; however, maybe not in another aspect. I like listening to all of the issues and how each segment of our community is dealing with or has dealt with those issues. I enjoy hearing the stories of our history. My goal in listening to these stories, journeys and events is to share the solutions with other segments of our community in hopes they will be able to successfully achieve their goals. Communication!
I would like to thank all of the SALeathermen who worked so hard to make this event a success and for giving me the opportunity to meet and learn about each of you.
Next up: Sydney, Australia for Gay Mardi Gras!
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey
Monday, February 15, 2010
Cape Town
Good Evening Everyone!
Cape Town is amazing! The day started with Jaco and Herman picking me up at the B&B and taking me to the clinic where Jaco has his office and I met James. Then off to the hospice care facility where I met Lizette (an amazing woman who runs the facility). Lizette gave us a tour of the facility and told me of the work they do for the community. Amazing work they provide; it truly touched me. Then it was off to Barcode to make sure that everything was in line for the fundraiser on Friday evening and then off to lunch. Then we went to the beach and I saw the mountain range called "The Twelve Disciples" (as it has twelve peaks). Gorgeous, I tell you; however, that is just the beginning of what would turn into an incredible tour. After this, we toured the city where I saw parliment, the museum, african market, Long Street, and the Company Gardens.
We ate dinner and then I was back to the B&B for some R&R.
Tuesday, we went to the Wine Lands. We ate lunch at Hidden Valley (no, not the salad dressing) and the to Ernie Els vineyard. Most of you know that I am not a "wine" person; however, I am now! I so fell in love with the wines and they were wonderful. Much better than the boxes I usually pour my wine from . . . LOL I was also able to play with the Cheeta's. Okay, I petted them, not played. But it was great!!! They are so soft!
After the wine tour and petting the pussy, we ate dinner and then I was back at the B&B for R&R. It took alot out of me to travel to Cape Town and Jaco and Herman were the best hosts, as they recognized that and allowed me the chance to rest when I needed it. Besides, Thursday was the "Grand Tour" day!!
Wednesday was down time for all of us. Herman made an excellent curry chicken for lunch and Jaco and I made jello shooters for the fund raiser on Friday night. They were good, if I say so myself!
Thursday was the Grand Tour day with "Friends of Dorothy" tours and tour director extraordinare, Wade. We visited Cape Pointe, Cape of Good Hope, saw baboons and ostrich in the wild, had many laughs along the way and I saw the most spectacular scenery I have ever seen. Half way through the trip, I was at a point of being speechless. There was just no way to keep speaking about the beauty of it all; as there are not enough words in the English language to describe what I was looking at. Simply amazing!
That evening, we had dinner with a few friends and it was here that everyone donated teddy bears for me to take to the Children's Home the next time I go visit. I plan to attach South African lapel pins to each of the bears, so the children know they came from that country. I think it is always important that children know that others care about them, even when those "others" are located a world away from where they are.
Friday was lunch with Jaco and Herman's friends, and then a "Bring and Brye" (or Brie or Brey, I'm not sure how to spell it.). It's where you bring your meat and they grill it on the grill. Similar to a BBQ in the States. That was alot of fun and I really enjoyed myself. I so love meeting people in the community and learning about the cultural differences and similarities. Then it was off to the fundraiser at the Amsterdam Bar. Jaco raised about R$4900 and I was so pleased he was able to raise so much. The community seems to really be wrapping itself around Jaco and his journey to IML. They are supportive and as I have traveled, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of support each community provides to their representative.

Saturday, we were finally able to go to Table Mountain. The weather has to be just right in order to head up that direction. There is usually a cloud, or it is too windy, or it is raining which does not allow a person to visit. However, on my last day in Cape Town, I was able to head up there with Jaco and Herman. WOW! What beauty!!!
We then went to the Meet and Greet at Kinks Leather. I spoke about my IML journey, funny things that have happened along the way, and what my plans are for the future. We had a Q&A session, as well. I thought it was great and really enjoyed the discussion. I think it also helped Jaco prepare for his IML contest journey.
That evening we went to BarCode for another Meet and Greet and then it was off to the B&B so I could pack and get ready to get to the airport early for my trip to Johannesburg.
To sum up Cape Town, I can only say that I have not experienced such a trip to date. It was beyond my expectations in every sense of the word. They offered the most beautiful scenery, the best wine, hospitality that I can only compare to true Southern Hospitality (being from the south, that is high praise indeed!), but most importantly, they showed me a community and allowed me to be a part of this community for a week. They allowed me to see the side of it that isn't always so pretty (as we all know, every community has it's issues) and they allowed me to see the side of it that shows true promise in respect to honor and compromise and effective communication. The community, more than once said, "We are a young community and working through things", but I say to each of you, "Keep working through them. Keep communicating with each other. You're not as small as you think you are, in fact you are larger than many communities I have visited. But you have so much to offer each other and the world."
Thank you Cape Town! You will definitely go down in IML #31's book as the trip to remember. I look forward to returning next year, with my husband and our boy. And I have no doubt, you will have grown even larger and better as a community.
Next up: Johannesburg.
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey
Thursday, February 11, 2010
D.A.R.K. Weekend (Detroit)

Good Evening Everyone,
DARK Weekend in Detroit was a great amount of fun. It's a smaller event; however, in this case, size truly does not matter! I had a GREAT time! John and James picked me up at the airport on Thursday and we headed to James and his partners (Paul) home for dinner. Homemade Alfredo sauce with shrimp and homemade cheesecake. Wonderful dinner and great conversation!!!
On Friday, we registered for the weekend and they had a "Bottoms Buffet". This meant that there were different areas set up around the meeting hall where a person could be the 'demo bottom' for someone that was experienced in whatever the activity was. There was a flogging station, fire play, single tail whip, tactile play, etc. There was also a vendor market. It was an incredible time and I really enjoyed the demonstrations.
On Saturday, they had the workshops and I presented my class on "My IML Title Year". I mainly spoke about the funnier moments, the more touching moments, preparing for the IML contest, how I have dealt with the title year both financially, personally and with my husband and family and local community. I enjoyed the class and there was alot of good energy in the room! The other classes were exceptional, as well! I especially enjoyed the class on tactile play (as I love tactile play!).
That evening, we went to the R&R bar and had an incredible time. I ran into Bob from LA (I hadn't seen him since ABW in New Orleans). The crowd was great and I had a great time!

Monday, I headed home to Dallas. DARK Weekend was really, really fun and I want to thank the entire Detroit community for offering such a fantastic event. I also wanted to encourage all of you to attend this event in the future. I have been to small, medium and large events and they all have their positives; and DARK Weekend has some huge positives about it! So, next year, get out to Detroit and enjoy the weekend!!
Next up: Cape Town, South Africa!
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey
Mr. Texas Leather

Good Evening Everyone,
My 2nd step down was this weekend. It began as soon as I landed back in Dallas on Thursday. Tons of people had already started to fly in for the weekend. (See the photo!) The weekend started with many trips to the airport to retrieve everyone and bringing them over to the house. On one particular trip back to the house, David told me to dress in leather and not to ask questions. It turns out that Master John and everyone in from out of town held my covering ceremony. I received my cover and title as "Sir". The fact the community bestowed this on me, it is an honor and I am thrilled to have received it on such a special weekend.
On Friday evening, we had a pre-Meet & Greet at our friends home (John and Kevin). It was mainly for the out of town guests and our Leather Knights brothers. It was wonderful to see everyone.
We then left John and Kevin's home and headed to the Dallas Eagle for my birthday celebration and the Official Meet & Greet for Mr. Texas Leather. We did some presentations (thank you to the Dallas Eagle and Dan Perry for the birthday gifts) and then they played a video for me. Randy C. had made a video of my Mr. Texas Leather year and it was wonderful!! It made me laugh and made me cry. At the end of the video, they wheeled out a cake in the shape of an armadillo! Just like from Steel Magnolias! And George H. dressed as Ousia and cut me "a nice piece of ass" off of the armadillo! It was Red Velvet with grey icing! LOL A perfect party!
I did present David (my David) a title vest. A title vest, you ask? Yes, David joyfully owns the title this past year as The International First Lady of Leather (TIFLOL), so I had a title vest done in his honor. Thank you Teddy and Dan for all of your hard work in getting the vest completed for him. It was done in the same manner as my IML title vest. So congratulations to David for a title vest well earned!!
We met all of the contestants that evening as well. I really enjoyed seeing all of them again. I already knew every one of the contestants, as they are from my state! I knew at the end of the contest, this would not be an easy choice.
On Saturday, we held the interview portion of the contest at the Dallas Eagle. We then headed back to the house, ate some lunch and got ready for the evenings contest. That evening, we started at TMC for the VIP Party and then moved over to the Rose Room for the contest. After the many categories, speeches, titleholder recognition, etc., they announced that Jack Duke, Mr. Dallas Eagle was the winner of Mr. Texas Leather 2010. Congratulations to Jack and I know he will do very well as a representative for our State.
Saturday night was the victory party at the Dallas Eagle. Sunday was the Victory Brunch at the Dallas Eagle and then we had open mic. I would like to thank everyone that gave me such kind words. It truly meant so much to me.
A quick note about the actual weekend and contest. Congratulations to Dan Perry for presenting a stellar contest weekend to the Texas community. It was a contest that was expertly organized, amazingly fun and totally enjoyable. Producers across the world should turn to you to learn how to produce an excellent event! Thank you for making my stepdown so incredible.
Sunday, after the brunch, we came home and had a BBQ here at the house for our guests. It was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.
By Monday evening, everyone had returned home. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to everyone that flew in for my stepdown for Mr. Texas Leather. It meant the world to me. (And I only cried twice!)
Next up: D.A.R.K. Weekend in Detroit!
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey

Good Evening Everyone,
London was next and you are probably asking, “Why was Jeffrey in London? What was happening there that had anything to do with IML?” Easy! The Mr. Hoist contest had been on previous Saturday night and since I had already obligated to the Antwerp Leather Pride Weekend, I thought I could at least stop by London, congratulate the winner and the participants before heading home. It, also, gave me a chance to spend some time with my IML brothers, Donal, Stephen and Ralf, as well as tour the city.
So I arrived on Monday; however, due to being overly tired and having not slept in 36 hours, I did nothing except sleep and answer emails. However, on Tuesday, I met up with Ross and Ralf and they gave me the grand tour of London! First, we headed up to Big Ben, then Parliament; crossed the bridge and walked to the London Eye. We decided against taking the ride as it was a bit cloudy and the view would be better upon my second trip to London in May. So we then walked across Jubilee Bridge and on down to Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace. It turns out the Queen was not home, which explains why no one answered the door when I rang the bell. I should call ahead next time.
We then walked back to Trafalgar Square and headed to SoHo for a bite to eat. We then walked the theater district, Piccadilly Circus and then hopped a bus (one of the original double-decker buses, not the new modern double-decker buses) and went down to St. Paul Cathedral and then the Tower of London and Tower Bridge. We did not go inside of the Tower of London to see the Queens jewels; I will do that on the next trip. We then saw City Hall (for London) and then walked back to the train station where Ralf and Ross dropped me off. I walked off any poundage I had gained from the chocolates I had eaten in Belgium on this tour! It was an incredible tour and I am grateful that Ross and Ralf were able to join me and give me such an incredible tour.
That evening Donal, his roommate Simon, and I ordered takeout and I just rested my feet because my dogs were barking!
Wednesday, I awoke, packed and headed down to meet Bonn at the hotel. Bonn and I boarded the Tube (a.k.a. The Lube; I’ll tell the story in a moment.) and headed down to the theater to see Wicked! I had seen the show in Dallas at Fair Park; however, the acoustics in Fair Park are not that great (understatement) and I did not hear the production. It was like watching a silent movie or rather a noisy movie that made no sense most of the time. Bonn and I sat 9th row center! Hell, I heard the entire production this time! Awesome seats! I so enjoyed the show this time!! While we were waiting for the show to begin, I was talking to Bonn about taking the Tube; however, I called it the Lube. “Well, Bonn, I got on the Lube and rode it . . . “. He stopped me and said, “Did you say the Lube”? So the official name of the Tube has been changed to the Lube. I’m sure people will ride it now more than ever; or at least they will enjoy it more. ;-)
After the show, we then headed back to the hotel and picked up Kip (Bonn’s friend from American Airlines) and we headed to SoHo to meet a bunch of my London friends for my birthday dinner. In attendance were Bonn, Kip, myself, Donal (last years Mr. London Eagle), Stewart and his partner Mark, Ralf (last years Mr. Europe Leather), Stephen (last year’s Mr. Hoist) and Russ (the current Mr. Hoist). Absent were Mark and Ross (Ralf’s partners) as Mark was under the weather and Ross was taking care of him) and Mark (another Mark; the current Mr. London Eagle). Although it was my birthday dinner, I was particularly interested in meeting with Stewart, as he was the first runner-up at Mr. Hoist. Ross (the current Mr. Hoist) has suggested that he would not go to IML this year, since he has already been (two years ago). Mark (the current Mr. London Eagle) has also suggested he would not be able to participate in IML. Well, that basically would knock out the UK’s leather representation at IML and I did not like hearing about that. So I spoke with Donal, and subsequently Stewart, about participating in IML this year as the representative from the UK. I think it would be more than a shame if the UK had no representation at IML this year. Stewart is very handsome, very well spoken, an upstanding representative of the community and would do very well at IML. I will continue to work with Donal and Stewart and other members of the community to ensure that the UK has at least one representative at IML this year!
After dinner, which was extremely wonderful, I headed back to the hotel and got on the computer to answer some emails and correspond with the family a bit. I headed to bed and then was up early in order to catch the bus to Heathrow for my flight home.
A special thank you to Bonn and the entire American Airline flight crew! Coming to London and going home, everyone showed me such hospitality and warmth and it was appreciated more than they could ever imagine. David worries about me when I travel, even more so when I travel internationally, and it is a great comfort to him to know that I am being taken care of when I am away.
And so you guys know, I am on the plane flying home typing this and just as I was typing the last paragraph, the crew came up and gave me a HUGE piece of chocolate cake and a bowl of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and a wonderful card for my birthday! They are so wonderful! Thank you , thank you, thank you!
Okay, I must know go eat this huge piece of cake! I’ll be on a sugar rush the next few days by eating this whole thing. But that’s a good thing because guess what is happening this weekend?
Mr. Texas Leather 2010! My second step-down and 2/3’s way through my IML title year!
Your Leather Brother, Jeffrey
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